"A False Lie" opened this weekend to sold out audiences. Kimberly was highlighted in the South Bend Tribune's review of the performance:
"The small cast was very good, with a standout performance from Kim Gaughan, who played female lead Grace. Though she doesn’t look the 34 years her character supposedly is, she carried the weight of surviving breast cancer in the limelight. The very first scene — Grace preparing to leave the house , removing her prosthetic breast, grabbing her bag, silent except for a call to the pharmacy — was phenomenal, and set a high bar of expectations for her performance that she met swimmingly." -Amanda Gray, South Bend Tribune
You can read the full review HERE.
"A False Lie" continues this week with an added performance this Thursday August 20th. Get your tickets fast as they are sure to sell out. You can purchase tickets for Thursday night's performance HERE.